Elina Raharisti R, S.Psi., MA., Psikolog

Elina Raharisti R, S.Psi., MA., Psikolog


 Hermina Solo

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Ibu Elina Raharisti R, S.Psi., MA., Psikolog merupakan psikolog RS Hermina Solo yang berfokus menangani kasus-kasus kejiwaan, mendiagnosis gejala psikologis pasien, dan melakukan psikoterapi sebagai bentuk penanganannya. Itu sebabnya, psikolog berkompeten untuk melakukan beberapa tes psikologi yang kemudian hasilnya diinterpretasikan sebagai jawaban dari masalah yang dialami oleh pasiennya. Psikolog tidak bisa meresepkan obat-obatan, karena dalam menangani kasus kejiwaan mereka berfokus pada terapi psikososial untuk mengendalikan perilaku, pikiran, dan emosi pasien.
Preparing Children for Primary Education Through a Psychologist's Approach

School readiness is an important factor in children's education. This is not only about having complete school supplies or good academic abilities, but also about the child's psychological maturity to enter a new, more structured and demanding environment. This readiness covers various aspects, ...

Effective Parenting for Working Mothers

Being a working mother is not easy. Mothers have to run household chores and work at the same time, making it difficult to give adequate attention to children. However, even though they are very busy, mothers need to ensure that they provide effective parenting for their children. Here are som...

Definition of Children and Stages of Development Due to Domestic Violence

Kasus KDRT yang dialami Cut Intan Nabila akhir-akhir ini menggemparkan banyak pihak dan membuka diskusi penting tentang dampak KDRT terhadap anak. Intan yang sudah lima tahun mengalami kekerasan dalam rumah tangga akhirnya berani melaporkan perbuatan suaminya setelah mempertimbangkan kesejahtera...

Come on, Moms and Dads, protect our children from Cyberbullying

Friends of Hermina Cyberbullying is a form of bullying that occurs through social media, text messages, emails, or other online platforms. In fact, the use of social media, such as Twitter, Instagram, TikTok, and others is often a place where cyberbullying occurs. Cyberbullies use technology to ...

The Role of Parents in Preparing Children for School Through a Psychological Approach

Father and Mother, parental preparation and the environment play an important role in a child's school readiness. Therefore, we will discuss the role of parents in preparing children for school and the influence of the environment and social interactions on school readiness. Parents are the firs...

Recognizing Early Psychological Support For Parents

Fathers and Mothers, the notion of Initial Psychological Support (DPA) is a simple skill for parents to help themselves and can help families in dealing with a problem or in a difficult situation. As well as Initial Psychological Support (DPA) can also help relieve pressure or burden experienced...

When Are Children Ready For School?

Many parents think that the only aspect a child needs to enter primary school is the cognitive aspect which includes the ability to write, read and count and being able to send their child to primary school (SD) at the age of 6 is extraordinary. Of course, we often see this, don't we? if this is...

Baby Blues and how to handle it

Prevalence of Baby Blues About 80 percent of women who have just given birth experience baby blues. Although the symptoms may seem trivial, baby blues can have a negative impact on both mother and baby and should be treated immediately. Baby blues is a mood disorder experienced by mothers af...

Effective Parenting for Working Mothers

Being a working mother is not easy. Mothers have to run household chores and work at the same time, making it difficult to give adequate attention to children. However, even though they are very busy, mothers need to ensure that they provide effective parenting for their children. Here are som...

Types of Children's Intelligence Tests to Support Learning Development

Intelligence tests are often used to measure children's cognitive abilities, such as reasoning, problem solving, and language comprehension. The results of this test provide an overview of the child's strengths and weaknesses in various cognitive areas and help parents and educators develop more...

When Are Children Ready For School?

Many parents think that the only aspect a child needs to enter primary school is the cognitive aspect which includes the ability to write, read and count and being able to send their child to primary school (SD) at the age of 6 is extraordinary. Of course, we often see this, don't we? if this is...

Getting to Know Parenting in Children

Parenting literally, the meaning of parenting is child rearing. Thus, parenting style can be interpreted as parenting. According to a study published in the Journal of Frontiers In Psychology, the definition of parenting according to experts is the attitudes and behavior of parents towards chi...

Let's recognize the signs of bullying in children

Bullying cases continue to occur. Students bullying other students has gone viral on social media over the last few months, including junior high school students in Cilacap, Central Java, who hit, dragged and stepped on other students. The Indonesian Child Protection Commission, Monday (9/1...

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