dr. Yosephine Yossy, SpPD-KEMD adalah dokter RS Hermina Bekasi yang berfokus pada penanganan berbagai masalah yang terkait sistem endokrin (kelenjar) dan kelainan metabolik. Beberapa masalah kesehatan yang ditangani antara lain adalah gangguan hormon, gangguan hipotalamus dan pituitari, hiperkalsemia, hipokalsemia, gangguan tiroid, gondok, diabetes melitus, penyakit kelenjar adrenal, kelainan reproduksi terkait gangguan hormon, dan obesitas.
Diabetes should be avoided if you frequently urinate at night.
Diabetes mellitus is a chronic metabolic disease or disorder characterized by high blood sugar levels. Usually, this condition causes sufferers to experience several organ disorders. If not treated immediately, this disease can endanger the lives of sufferers. Launching from Healthline, diabete...
Why is an antibody check needed after getting the COVID-19 vaccine?
Here are the Differences in Symptoms of Dengue Fever and Malaria that You Should Know
"Even though they both cause high fever, you should know more about the differences in symptoms of dengue fever and malaria. This is done so that you can do more appropriate treatment.” Entering the rainy season, you should clean the house regularly so that the house does not become a breeding...
Control Diabetes To Avoid Complications
Diabetes is one of the deadliest diseases in the world. Unfortunately, many diabetics only realize when complications have occurred. Based on data from the International Diabetes Federation 2020, the number of people with diabetes continues to increase in various countries in the world, inclu...
Bolehkah Penyandang Diabetes Melakukan Puasa Ramadan?
Ramadan fasting is a religious obligation for healthy and capable Muslims. However, for people with diabetes, the question of whether they can fast or not is often a matter of debate. Diabetes is a condition that affects the body's ability to properly regulate blood sugar levels, and fasting can...
Do you know the types of diabetes and its causes? Let's Find Out
Diabetes is one of the disorders that needs early diagnosis so that immediate treatment can be carried out. One way to get an immediate examination is to know the various symptoms. A black neck is said to be one of the symptoms of insulin production disorder in the body. Without proper ...
Why Does Rain Make You Sick to Your Head?
Many people believe that rain makes you sick. The season that usually occurs from October to March is synonymous with the season for sick people. This view is very reasonable, because not a few people who get sick after being caught in the rain. Diseases that may appear due to rain are fever, in...