dr. Mellisa, SpPD

dr. Mellisa, SpPD

 Internal Medicine

 Hermina Bitung

Dokter penyakit dalam adalah dokter spesialis yang menangani berbagai keluhan, gejala, dan masalah kesehatan terkait hampir seluruh sistem organ dalam tubuh pasien dewasa dan lansia.biasanya dokter spesialis penyakit dalam biasanya menangangani Keluhan pada sistem pernapasan, seperti sesak napas, batuk darah, dan nyeri saat bernapas. Keluhan pada sistem pencernaan, seperti diare kronis, perutsering kembung, perdarahan saluran pencernaan, dan gangguan penyerapan nutrisi.Keluhan pada organ hati, seperti sakit kuning, nyeri perut, perut bengkak, dan mudah memar. Keluhan pada jantung dan pembuluh darah, seperti nyeri dada dan sesak napas setelah menjalani aktivitas tertentu.Keluhan pada ginjal, seperti sulit pipis, kencing darah, nyeri saat berkemih, dan tubuh bengkak.
High Blood Pressure is Dangerous for the Body! Here's how to solve it...

Hello friend Hermina, you often feel dizzy or have headaches, be careful, it could be high blood pressure. High blood pressure must be treated immediately because high blood pressure that is left alone will become a symptom of a hypertensive crisis. What are hypertensive crises? - Severe h...

The Dangerous of Dengue Shock Syndrome

Bahaya Dengue shock syndrome (DSS) Hallo sahabat Hermina, Pernah mengalami DBD (Demam Berdarah) atau belum pernah mengalami DBD sahabat Hermina juga harus mengethaui bahwa DBD bila tidak segera ditindak akan mengakibatkan komplikasi dengue shock syndrome (DSS). Dengue Shock Syndrome (DSS) ada...

Uric Acid attacks? Recognize the symptoms!

Hello, friend of Hermina Bitung, do you know that gout is no longer a disease experienced by the elderly, it turns out that children also experience gout because they consume foods that contain lots of purines. Previously, what is uric acid? Uric acid is a waste substance produced by the body af...

What Foods Can Cause Gout?

Hello, friend of Hermina Bitung, do you know that gout is no longer a disease experienced by the elderly, it turns out that children also experience gout because they consume foods that contain lots of purines. Previously, what is uric acid? Uric acid is a waste substance produced by the body af...

Beware of Dengue Fever, Recognize the Symptoms

Hello friend Hermina Bitung, as of March 1 2024, there were nearly 16,000 cases of Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever (DBD) in 213 Regencies/Cities in Indonesia with 124 deaths. The most dengue fever cases recorded occurred in Tangerang, West Bandung, Kendari City, Subang and Lebak. This situation is expe...

How to Detect Diabetes?

Hello, friend of Hermina Bitung, do you know that Diabetes is no longer a disease experienced by the elderly, it turns out that children also experience diabetes, one of which is due to consuming foods that contain lots of excess sweet. What was diabetes before? Diabetes is a chronic disease cha...

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