dr. Jonsinar, Sp.B, Sp.BA merupakan dokter spesialis yang fokus mengerjakan tindakan bedah pada pasien anak-anak, meliputi janin, bayi (terlahir prematur ataupun cukup bulan), anak-anak, hingga remaja berusia tidak lebih dari 18 tahun.
The health benefits of circumcision are few, among others, reducing the risk of infectious diseases and urinary tract infections. Circumcision or circumcision is a surgical procedure to remove the foreskin / prepuce / scalp of the penis. The purpose and benefits are to make the head of the penis...
Constipation is one of the common digestive disorders and often occurs in infants and children. Even so, Friends of Hermina still have to be aware of this condition, because constipation often has a serious impact on children, especially if the little one is less than three years old. Therefore,...
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Benefits of Circumcision for Male Health
The health benefits of circumcision are few, among others, reducing the risk of infectious diseases and urinary tract infections. Circumcision or circumcision is a surgical procedure to remove the foreskin / prepuce / scalp of the penis. The purpose and benefits are to make the head of the penis...
Tips for Overcoming Constipation in Babies and Children Safely
Constipation is one of the common digestive disorders and often occurs in infants and children. Even so, Friends of Hermina still have to be aware of this condition, because constipation often has a serious impact on children, especially if the little one is less than three years old. Therefore,...