dr.Farokah, Sp.T.H.T.B.K.L, Subsp. L.F(K), Msi.Med

dr.Farokah, Sp.T.H.T.B.K.L, Subsp. L.F(K), Msi.Med

 Otorhinolaryngology - (Laryngo-Pharyngology)

 Hermina Pandanaran

dr.Farokah, Sp.T.H.T.B.K.L, Subsp. L.F(K), Msi.Med merupakan dokter spesialis THT (Telinga, Hidung, dan Tenggorokan) dengan keahlian spesifik dalam mengobati penyakit yang berkaitan dengan telinga, hidung, dan tenggorokan. Tak hanya itu, spesialis THT juga dapat bertugas mengatasi berbagai penyakit yang terjadi di kepala dan leher. Perlu diketahui bahwa tidak semua gangguan yang terjadi pada telinga, hidung, dan tenggorokan harus ditangani langsung oleh spesialis THT. Biasanya, kamu baru akan ditangani oleh spesialis TGT jika mendapat rujukan dari dokter umum. Dokter umum biasanya akan memberi rujukan jika kondisi sudah cukup serius atau membutuhkan penanganan lebih lanjut, seperti misalnya operasi.
Tonsillitis Infection, Should You Operate?

Tonsillitis infection or commonly known as tonsillitis is a condition when the tonsils become infected or inflamed. This event is generally experienced by children aged 3-7 years. Even so, tonsillitis can also occur in adults. Tonsils or are lymph nodes in the throat that function as the bo...

Having trouble sleeping? Detect the cause of sleep disorders with Polysomnography examination at RSU Hermina Pandanaran

Anyone can have trouble sleeping. This condition can have a huge impact on the lives of individuals who experience it. Millions of people around the world have trouble sleeping. If you often have trouble sleeping at night, often wake up during sleep, or snore, you need to take further steps to o...

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