dr. Evi Rokhayati.,SpA.,M.Kes adalah dokter RS Hermina Solo yang fokus dalam menangani berbagai macam keluhan terkait saluran pencernaan anak, mulai dari kerongkongan, lambung, usus halus, hingga usus besar, serta organ hati, kandung empedu, dan pankreas anak. Berikut penyakit yang umumnya ditangani oleh dr. Evi Rokhayati.,SpA.,M.Kes : Gastroesophageal reflux (GERD). Tukak lambung. Diare. Sembelit. Radang usus, seperti penyakit Crohn atau kolitis ulseratif. Hepatitis. Hepatoblastoma. Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). Sindrom muntah siklik. Fibrosis kistik. Pankreatitis. Batu empedu dan batu pankreas. Penumpukan cairan pada pankreas. Polip usus. Riwayat Pendidikan :
1989 ( SD Negeri Kleco I Surakarta )
1992 ( SMP Negeri 2 Surakarta )
1995 ( SMA Negeri I Surakarta )
2002 ( Dokter Umum FK UNS )
2011 ( Spesialis Anak FK UNS )
2011 ( Program Pasca Sarjana UNS )
Signs of a Dangerous Cough in Children
Tahukah Sahabat Hermina, ada sejumlah kondisi batuk pada si Kecil yang sebaiknya tidak diabaikan dan perlu segera diperiksakan ke dokter. Sebab, jika batuk berlangsung hingga hampir satu bulan, disertai suara serak, suara rejan, mengi, dan stridor, sebaiknya jangan anggap remeh kondisi batuk yan...
Prevent Dehydration in Your Little One During Mudik
Eid is in sight, of course there are lots of people who want to go home to their hometowns, for parents who want to go home, a few tips for children so they don't get dehydrated when they go home. According to WHO, dehydration is defined as a condition caused by excessive loss of body water. Th...
Prevent Dehydration in Your Little One During Mudik
Eid is in sight, of course there are lots of people who want to go home to their hometowns, for parents who want to go home, a few tips for children so they don't get dehydrated when they go home. According to WHO, dehydration is defined as a condition caused by excessive loss of body water. Th...