DR. dr. Made Setiamika, Sp.THT-KL(K),FICS

DR. dr. Made Setiamika, Sp.THT-KL(K),FICS

 Otorhinolaryngology - (Head and Neck Oncology)

 Hermina Solo

This doctor unavailable for appointment
Dokter Spesialis THT melakukan serangkaian tindakan medis, termasuk : Gangguan hidung. Kondisi ini meliputi alergi, sinusitis, kesulitan mencium suatu aroma, cedera hidung, hidung tersumbat, serta tumor atau kanker di hidung. Gangguan tenggorokan, Gangguan tidur, Gangguan di leher dan kepala.
Rare Diseases That Nasopharyngeal Cancer Needs to Know

What is Nasopharyngeal? The nasopharynx is the part of the throat located behind the nasal cavity and above the palate. Cancer of the nasopharynx can cause symptoms such as difficulty speak, hear, or breathe. Nasopharyngeal Cancer Incidence Rate Prevalence in Indonesia based on histopatho...

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