Dokter spesialis bedah plastik berfokus pada perbaikan jaringan tubuh atau kulit yang rusak dan cacat akibat kondisi tertentu, misalnya luka bakar, kecelakaan, tumor, dan penyakit bawaan sejak lahir.
Burns are a form of tissue damage or loss that occurs due to excessive heat sources. The causes of burns themselves can vary from exposure to fire, electric shock, sunlight, radiation, chemicals, hot liquids, and so on. Burns can occur suddenly, see the following article to find out what steps c...
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Terkena Luka Bakar Saat Bekerja atau Dirumah? Jangan Panik, Ketahui Langkah Pertolongan Pertama Pada Luka Bakar! 112 / 5.000 Burned at Work or at Home? Don't Panic, Learn First Aid Steps for Burns!
Burns are a form of tissue damage or loss that occurs due to excessive heat sources. The causes of burns themselves can vary from exposure to fire, electric shock, sunlight, radiation, chemicals, hot liquids, and so on. Burns can occur suddenly, see the following article to find out what steps c...