dr. Yongky, Sp.KJ adalah dokter RS Hermina Jatinegara yang fokus pada diagnosis, pengobatan, dan pencegahan terhadap gangguan emosional, kejiwaan, maupun perilaku, serta mendiagnosis dan menangani gangguan mental pada pasien.
Sahabat Hermina, depression is different from the usual feeling of sadness. Depression is a mood disorder that has a negative impact on the daily functioning and activities of sufferers. The sad feelings of depression persist for 2 weeks or more, with a loss of enthusiasm and interest. Depressio...
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Recognizing Depression and How To Overcome It
Get to Know Depression and How to Overcome It
Sahabat Hermina, depression is different from the usual feeling of sadness. Depression is a mood disorder that has a negative impact on the daily functioning and activities of sufferers. The sad feelings of depression persist for 2 weeks or more, with a loss of enthusiasm and interest. Depressio...