dr. Serly Indah Puspitasari, Sp.M merupakan dokter spesialis mata di RSU Hermina Medan. Beliau dapat menangani keluhan-keluhan kesehatan mata, seperti katarak, ptergyum, rabun dekat dan rabun jauh, keratitis,glukoma,dll. Beliau dapat melakukan tindakan pengobatan, seperti operasi mata, operasi kelopak mata, dan perawatan medis ( glukoma, uveitis, dan penyakit mata lainnya)
Recognize Symptoms Early Cataracts & Prevent Blindness
Cataracts are a degenerative process in the form of opacities in the lens of the eyeball, causing decreased vision to blindness. This turbidity is caused by a biochemical reaction that causes coagulation of lens proteins. Cataracts can occur due to congenital (cataracts from birth), but in gener...